Donate 1.2% of GPM ARTSCAPE to Creative Missions Bringing Back Childhood in Migration Centers

Since 2015 Artscape, an art agency that started working with migrants and refugees, carries out its mission of increasing the accessibility of culture and the cohesion of communities through professional art productions and educational programs. Working together with artists, local communities and vulnerable groups of society, the agency fosters self-expression, active participation in society and seeks socially responsible solutions, creating significant social change.
Visiting unaccompanied children
> 2023 we implemented a total of 385 creative missions with a large team of ARTSCAPE educators in 9 locations. We visited 400 unaccompanied, vulnerable children separated from their parents from Ukraine, Iraq, Tajikistan, Belarus, Syria, and Russia. Among these children are those whose right to move is restricted.
> Creative missions are carried out together with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to initiate human integration. As soon as a refugee arrives, he feels very insecure. What these people need the most is a simple conversation, and here it is important that the artist intervenes. The ability of artists to communicate with a socially vulnerable group of people is very important. They do not ask unnecessary questions, focus on people’s abilities, desires and nurture their uniqueness. When you focus more on what a person can do, rather than what they can’t do, then they bloom like a flower.
> The Creative Missions team of educators consists of 18 artists, art therapists and people conducting education. They are a cross-cultural team from eight countries. These people are trained to work on the same principles, responding to work with vulnerable groups of people.
We ask: “Get to know or get to know each other?”
We invite you to get to know different cultures and look at everything as if through the eyes of children. With the motto “Get to know or get to know each other?”, we aim to talk about the reduction of social exclusion and encourage people by allocating 1.2 percent. GPM to contribute financially to “Artscape’s” Creative Missions in the Field of Migration.
All children have the right to a childhood. Our creative missions in migrant and refugee centers ensure access to culture, participation in culture and the opportunity to express themselves through culture for the most vulnerable migrants: children and youth experiencing isolation from society, as well as cultural and social exclusion. Ensuring cultural activities and engagement with psychologists, educators, artists has great transformative power.
Three well-known images of Lithuanian fairy tales and mythology – Eglė the queen of snakes, Jūratė and Kastytis and Thunderbolt – become a tool for dialogue. This idea is a kind of experiment: a way to imagine how Lithuanian mythology, fairy tales and legends could look like through the eyes of children from lands far away from Lithuania. What would happen if the baltic gods, the heroes of fairy tales, were tried to be imagined by those in whose imagination their own tradition and worldview occupy the most important place? The meaning of this experiment is much deeper than mere creativity.
Art can become a space where different cultures meet, it can help us talk and really understand each other. It is very important and meaningful to take care of those who are easily forgotten in the background of dramatic events – the war in Ukraine, economic and social upheavals.
How can I allocate 1.2% income tax?
You can allocate 1.2% GPM to Artscape by logging in to, using online banking logins.
Name: VšĮ Menų agentūra „Artscape“
Beneficiary identification number (code): 302706893
March 15, 2024