Support us

To ARTSCAPE mission is very important to have YOUR support.

Support us on Contribee

On „Contribee“ you will find ways in which you can help our mission with monthly contributions, one-time payments or online store. Either way, your help matters greatly!

Bank transfer

Donate 1.2% of your income tax-  it won’t cost you anything!

Everyone who pays taxes in Lithuania can donate 1.2% of his/her income tax to a non-profit organization – this is what the Lithuanian Law of Charity allows to do. Let ARTSCAPE be this organization! It will not cost you anything. It will take you only several minutes. It will contribute to diversity, open, tolerant society, inclusion of underrepresented people in Lithuania.

Follow the instructions and please note the deadline for this donation is May 1st, 2024. It is possible to submit 1.2% tax declaration for several years ahead. Please, specify for how many years you would like to donate to ARTSCAPE.


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