
Music that fosters a sense of community

Music that fosters a sense of community

A four-day music camp in Kaunas conducted by Kauno menininkų namai / Kaunas Artists’ House & Arts Agency Artscape, was a space for participants to learn about many aspects of the music industry, as well as how to use music to express themselves and connect with others.A jam session called Susipyne/ Interconnected, was held on the final day of the camp, where the participants of the camp performed and showcased their work to Kaunas and visitors. Participants from afghanistan , guinea ,ghana , cameroon , and congo – musical, incredibly creative and open group are participants in creative missions with youth in Rukla refugee reception centre.

Youth from Rukla centre particpates in our award winning initiative creative missions, that encourage participation, authenticity, and familiarity— a journey on which children can integrate different pieces of their identity through self-expression. The workshops provide a safe space for expression, acknowledge and value diversity, allow for continuity, and aid in the transformation of growth.

Arts agency Artsce summer camps and community events are organized in partnership with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency & Lietuvos kultūros taryba / Lithuanian Council for Culture, Raudonojo Kryžius Kauno skyrius.

August 10, 2022