
“Vedami” success at the “The Golden Stage Cross” ceremony

“Vedami” success at the “The Golden Stage Cross” ceremony
The performance “Vedami” produced by “Artscape” Arts Agency was awarded with a special award at the “The Golden Stage Cross” ceremony. “Borisas Dauguvietis Earring” went to Mantas Jančiauskas and Rimantas Ribačiauskas for their input in theater in the performance “Vedami”.
Pic. Domas Rimeika

Guided’ was born out of workshops organised by the authors and the Artscape team in Pravieniškės Prison since 2021. Developing a genre they have invented themselves, which they call ‘performative encounter’, Jančiauskas and Ribačiauskas are looking for new forms of coexistence in theatre. They are trying to create the mechanics of a performance that actively and provocatively – but safely – involves both convicts and spectators. During a performative encounter, 10 convicts and 10 spectators meet for a dialogue, for which neither side is prepared in advance.

Creative Group:
Concept: Mantas Jančiauskas, Rimantas Ribačiauskas
Director: Mantas Jančiauskas
Texts: Rimantas Ribačiauskas
Dramaturgy: Rimantas Ribačiauskas, Mantas Jančiauskas
Composer: Andrius Šiurys
Executive producer: Erika Urbelevič
Producer: Aistė Ulubey (Arts Agency Artscape)
Communication: Agnė Šyvokaitė

Also, a big thank you to Jūrate Danielė, Lithuanian Prisons.

March 31, 2024