A new Creative Missions Space introduced at the Foreigners Registration Center in Pabradė

On September 12th, at the Foreigners Registration Center in Pabradė, the arts agency ‘Artscape’ introduced a new Creative Missions Space. At the opening event of the space, attended by the agency’s community, from guests to center residents, we gathered to celebrate unity through conversations, music, and creative workshops.
After a 4-month creative process involving artists from both outside and local residents, the space – the House of Creative Missions – was opened to visitors for a day. Artist Akvilė Magicdust continued creative lines on the house, originated in the ‘To Know or to Get Acquainted?’ campaign, where we invited people to explore different cultures and see everything through the eyes of children. The ‘Artscape’ education duo Oleysa and Nikolaj took on the task of domestication. In the center, as artists and our team implemented the makeover of the house, both children and adults contributed to most of the days.
Throughout the year, the ‘Artscape’ mission education team regularly conducts activities in the center, creating an environment where residents can express themselves through art.
Photo: Leonard Lipskij

September 13, 2023