A decade ago, the mission of the “Artscape” arts agency was established with the aim of increasing cultural accessibility and community cohesion through professional art productions and educational programs. Collaborating with artists, local communities, and vulnerable social groups, we nurture expression, active participation in community life, and seek socially responsible solutions to create meaningful social change.
2022 a year of contrasts, activities, significant productions, and events. Over the past year, we made significant progress in the areas of refugee and migrant inclusion, psychosocial services, and the creation of art productions addressing relevant social phenomena. We implemented various art and cultural programs aimed at fostering a sense of community among participants and helping them establish new social connections.
By strengthening our advocacy positions, we simultaneously carried out several campaigns to raise awareness about the rights of refugees, advocate for their protection, and promote a culture of acceptance. These campaigns successfully reached a wide audience, including non-governmental organizations and public.
The agency celebrated its 10th year with particularly significant international achievements for the team’s work in the field of migration. We were honored with an award from the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) for social cohesion and received appreciation from the State Border Guard Service for assistance in managing the migration crisis in Lithuania.
Thank you to our partners and friends for the opportunity to carry out meaningful activities.
Aistė Ulubey, Founder and Director of “Artscape”
January 6, 2023