Arts agency „Artscape“ together with National Gallery of Art invited refugee women living in Lithuania to participate in a creative workshop in the gallery, examining the phenomenon of light. Two groups of women participated in creative workshops.
In the first part of the creative workshop, NGA educator Eglė Nedzinskaitė led through an engaging journey. During it, various works of the gallery were examined, which try to feel the light from one or other (un)predictable angle. Various questions were discussed together with the women’s group.
In the second part, the participants got acquainted with the cyanotype technique. Both groups of women also had the opportunity to try out the technique themselves and take home their creations.
Cyanotype is one of the oldest photographic image extraction processes in the world. After applying a special solution on a sheet of paper and arranging the shapes in the desired composition, you can observe how a blue photographic image is formed in the sunlight.
„We encounter light every day, but we rarely think about how powerful it can be to help us in art and everyday life. Therefore, this education was very important to see the light from a different angle and give women the opportunity to take some of it home,“ – said education coordinator of arts agency „Artscape“ Ieva Keliauskaitė – Mališauskė.
Creative missions
Creative missions have been regularly implemented for four years and are aimed at the beginning of human integration. Refugees often feel insecure when they arrive in a new country, conversations are needed to provide a sense of security. In this case, the involvement of artists is very important, because no additional questions are asked, the focus is on abilities, desires, and aspirations.
The Creative Missions team of educators consists of 18 artists who conduct choreography, theater directing, art therapy, performing arts, design, and other activities.
The Creative Missions program is implemented in partnership with the United Nations Refugee Agency, UNHCR.
May 10, 2024