Artscape is delighted to be part of DigitACT: Developing Digital Skills for Young Actors and Young Performing Arts Technicians in the era of Pandemic.
Last week the partners met to discuss & finalize research conducted in 5 countries, that aimed fining out what is the pandemic aftermath situation in performing arts. This event held in Teatro Pubblico Pugliese (Bari, Italy) . Event was a space for theatre companies to discuss outcomes of transnational report & shape a vision for training curriculum.
Huge work has been done in Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Lithuania & Portugal, analyzing the needs of digital skills in performing arts sector. Thank u for everyone who gave your time to fill questionnaires and participating in focus groups for artists and technicians.
The transnational report is being finalized and will help us to understand how digital performance could develop as a theatre form, if hybrid forms or digital & live theatre could be boosted and what does it take to create digital theatre that engage & excites audiences.
Specifically DigitACT aims at supporting young performing arts professionals and technicians to adapt to the digitalization needs and evolution of their field as a means of setting up a sustainable and durable professional path for themselves and their working ecosystem.
Participating partners:
MITOS (Cyprus)
CSI (Cyprus)
Mala Voadora (Portugal)
REON (Greece)
Teatro Pubblico Pugliese (Italy)
Artscape (Lithuania)
November 16, 2021